What To Expect If You Date A Libra
Geplaatst op 03-02-2025
Categorie: Lifestyle
Published under copyright by Loveawake dating site. © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.
GOOD THINGS: you get to enjoy being with the prettiest, or most handsome, person in the room; being with them makes you look better; your home will always be clean and fashionably decorated; their smile makes you feel like a million bucks; romance will always be alive and strong; anniversaries and birthdays will always be special; you will always know the current fashion trends; if your family starts getting into a fight over the holidays, they will mediate and calm everyone down; you may see a slight deterioration in your stubborn attitude as your Libra will teach you how to see both sides of a situation; they will be your own personal networking service and social planner (no more dull nights at home); your calendar will be full of social events and parties; your refrigerator will be full of healthy, organic foods, thereby making your diet improve dramatically.
BAD THINGS: totally balanced one moment and entirely neurotic the next, you may end up living life in the crazy lane; annoying because sometimes you want someone who is going to take a side or a position; you can’t afford all their shopping bills on your monthly credit card statement; watching them flirt with everyone in the room, including your best friend, gets tiring; going out every night takes a lot of energy that you simply don’t have; ear plugs aren’t strong enough to drone out their constant chatter; a partner who looks perfect all the time can make you feel inferior or inadequate; their temper tantrums and accusations can be downright infuriating and annoying; just how much attention does one person need? It appears a lot; you may get confused trying to keep up with their busy social calendar.
DATE THEM IF YOU: love to talk and socialize all the time; enjoy hosting cocktail parties and dinner events at your house on a weekly basis; need to be with someone who might be better looking than you; think flirting is the best part of foreplay; want to date someone you won’t be embarrassed to take home to Mom or Dad; think dimples on the cheek are cute as hell; don’t mind being with someone who is overly flirtatious to everyone, not just you; want someone to stand outside your window with a guitar, singing you a song they wrote while thinking of the many ways they love you; want to be with someone artistic and creative; think men who wear pink shorts are hot; are a sucker for a beautiful smile.
ADDITIONAL: If you want to date the Zodiac’s darling child, go ahead and date a Libra. Luck tends to be on their side more often than not. The Universe smiles on this sign, who always is charming, flirting, seducing, or teasing someone (if not everyone) in the room. Damn, you can’t help but smile when you are around them. You also can’t help but roll your eyes—it is damn annoying to be with someone who seems so “perfect” and has it easy most of the time. Cheer up, Libra’s do have bumps in the road (albeit their’s are more like speed bumps, compared to your potholes).
Libra’s tend to have a fascinating love life. While there is always a line of suitors waiting for them to be single again, Libra’s do love the one they are with for as long as they are with them. They love romance, but they are also always in pursuit of the next best thing. As such, they can often experience many failed relationships or one night stands because they can’t seem to find what they are looking for…and there are plenty of options making themselves available to them! Many people will struggle to tolerate Libra’s flirtatious ways when they are in a committed relationship. It takes a strong personality to understand that Libras don’t mean to disrespect you when they flirt with your boss—that is just who they are. They love people, they love to socialize and learn new things, and they love the freedom to meet or talk to whomever they want. As long as they are coming home to YOU, then all will be fine.
Speaking of home, your typical Libra has a lovely one. They love cleanliness, art, and décor. Their layout tends to be spacious and clutter free (after all, how can they mingle amongst their guests if they can’t move?) and distinctly romantic in color tone and style. There will surely be a musical instrument in their home (piano, guitar, sax, drums, etc.) or a quiet place where they like to read or write. Their kitchen will most likely be immaculate and stocked with delicious, healthy food, which they are excited to cook for you and their guests.
Though your credit card bills will soar through the roof due to their luxurious spending habits, just remind yourself that beauty comes with a price. And while your Libra female may go to excesses at the mall, you have to admit, she always looks hot (and your friend’s probably tell you that all the time). And your Libra male, well, keep him at bay from your girlfriend’s, because they are dying to get his attention when you aren’t looking…